Thursday, February 18, 2010

Best of the Blog 2009

Best of the best, and a few fun facts from the past year.  I know this is kind of like a band putting out their greatest hits collection.   Trying to buy some time as I work on fresh content for next post, you'll understand why soon.   But then again, it is kind of cool, how many bloggers give you a peak inside their blog.  

Top Blog Post of 2009 (out of 27 post)
  1. Unclogging the Pipeline (post was picked up by MarketingProf, helping to make it #1) 
  2. CMO to Chief Revenue Office (highest page view times)
  3. Social Media Company  (1st of a 2 part series)
  4. The $1 Razor (receives the most consistent hits, and has turned into one of the most frequently used search terms for the blog...go figure).  
  5. Why Sales Channels sand Marketing Campaigns Fail 
Average time on the site was 2 minutes and 50 seconds, about twice the time of an average blog.  

Visitors - close to 10,000 unique visitors (not bad for only 27 post)  from 112 countries, top 5 countries:
  1. USA - every state except Wyoming, top 3 cities; DC, NYC, SF
  2. India
  3. UK
  4. Canada
  5. France   
Vistors from Malaysia spent the most time on the site 2:32 minutes, while folks from Bangladesh consumed the most content at over 3 pgs/visit.  May had the highest traffic, closely followed by October, and Tuesday was the best day of the week to post (highest average traffic).  

The goal this year is to average three post a month and to get someone, somewhere in Wyoming reading the blog! 

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