Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Managing the "U"

Happy New Year! Well...I'm not sure if happy is the right word, maybe we should just hope that it will be better than 2008.

Anyway, I know that the current economic conditions have many executives scrambling to cut costs and keep their heads above water. As I mentioned in my post on November 6, 2008 entitled Best Practices from the Last Downturn, we’ve gone back and looked at what leading companies did to weather the storm, steal share and come out of the downturns ahead of their competition.

In the video above, MarketBridge CEO Tim Furey looks at what leading companies are doing this time around, and shares some best practices for firms going into 2009.

In Part 2 of this discussion Tim will more closely examine how a few specific companies (namely HP and CapOne) are utilizing the downturn as an opportunity to position themselves as market leaders.

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1 comment:

  1. I found your discussion refreshing, Tim. On a day when Pfizer dumps 1/3 of their sales people, talking about how the best prepare for the inevitable upturn is one of the most encouraging things I have heard in some time.
