Remove info from a Search Engine – Short term
You can’t remove anything. Don’t listen to what any other so-called “SEO Expert” says. All you can do is push the information down further.
Here is a cheat way of manipulating the results of most search engines:
Low budget approach--
1. Download a program [Bing for it] called Tukanas Hits Generator. Next, you need the password: "AAAAAAAAA". Make sure you get the real software, there's some bogus ones out there.
2. Set the program up (URL list tab) to contain the same URL as the one that does NOT contain your unwanted information. For example, google your name + something. Like:"my name" +goodstuff. If the results are the ones you are wanting (without your priv info), copy-and-paste the URL on your browser (the Google/Bing/Yahoo URL) and paste it into the URL list of Tukanas.
3. Go to HideMyAss and look for their IP:Port proxy address list. Copy and paste into Tukanas's Proxies tab. You can edit the proxy file directly on your harddrive which may be faster, just keep the same format but delete the existing addresses there-- they'll be dead by now.
4. Set the program (Statistics tab) to the following:
Hits Per URL: 10000Black Hat SEO | SEO Cheat | Cheat Result Engine | SEO BlackHat | SEO Cookies | Google Seo Cheat
Number of threads: 25
Socket timeout (send): 10
Socket timeout (receive): 10
Hits per hour: 500
Make sure all check boxes are checked. Hit the "START" button and walk away. This is a very similar cheat that those "removal" websites use.
You'll need to do this for many weeks, run it as often as you can. Don't use a computer you often use, if you can help it.
The Effect:
You manipulate the search engine into believing people want your name associated with a keyword. So eventually you can type in your name (in quotes) and those associated keyword elements will appear first. You cannot remove the original, bad information. Don’t even try, you’re wasting your time.
- Tukanas is a non-supported piece of junk software so don’t put too much faith into it.
- Using your own IP instead of a Proxy list will cause Google to BAN your Ip/Mac from using Google. Not good. Obfuscate your PC as much as you can.
- It’ll take weeks of running this app over and over and over and…
If you’ve researched how to remove info from a search engine then you already know the common ways of doing it. Allow us to iterate:
- Ask webmaster to remove info. Most won’t, especially hate machines—they love the drama.
- Go to the search engine’s “customer service” or “webmaster” page and follow their instructions. Google rarely removes anything. This is one of the reasons why BING is becoming more popular as (surprisingly) Microsoft is more merciful. Google is a LIBERAL organization so if your information contains liberal topics, you won’t get the time of day from Google. In fact, you’ll notice liberal websites will always get higher preference on their results. Google has their “Favorites”. They claim they don’t but we have antidotal evidence that they do with the DailyKOS hate machine being one of their favorites.
- Respond to bad info with good info. Hopefully someone with some intelligence will dig further to get the “other side of the issue”.
- Pay a service like Reputation. Note these guys can’t do much more than push your information down 2 or 3 pages and for a lot of money doing some of the techniques we've already mentioned. We’re talking thousands of dollars. Save your money and go to step #9 instead, you’ll get better results.
- Write biographies on all the Biography websites. Use your real name and real data putting you in a better spotlight.
- Write positive things on blogs using your real name. Accentuate the positive helps eliminate the negative. Constant… constant… constant writing on other blogs and websites is necessary, even for up to a year or more. If the website you are trying to push down is real popular, it'll be very tough to get it to move. If the website is a popular LIBERAL website, you'll never get Google to bump it down; even Reputation has problems with these.
- Your information will be on the search engine forever and ever and ever. Nothing can remove it (we're working on this right now). Don’t use your real name if you can help it, especially if what you say could be misconstrued and become the target of a hate machine on the Left or the Right. The positive thing about this is—eventually every citizen on the planet will have a bad reputation because, face it, we’re not all perfect.
- Get an injunction in court against the Search Engine to remove the data. Much harder, more expensive, but a definite solution. You’ll have to get that injunction in the State that the Search Engine is based. For example, Mountain View, CA is the location of Google and where you’ll need to go.
- Bribe a Search Engine employee to remove data. This works and could cost you a few thousand dollars but we know of people who have successfully done this. You’ll find employees on Don’t be stingy; these people are putting their jobs on the line for you.
- Do press releases with your name in it. You’ll usually have to pay for this but it works and it’s fairly inexpensive.
- If the info listed about you is defamatory and the webmaster won't remove it, try the website's ISP. Many Internet Service Providers have a set of rules they follow and many don't allow hosted websites to post defamatory information. You can find out a website's ISP using this whois function. This information could lead you to the ISP's own homepage and, hence, their policies.
- Support any legislation in the future that targets Search Engines and their contents. For example, the "PROTECT-IP Act" currently in congress can be manipulated to shut websites down that have bad info about you using loopholes. This same bill could shut down Google's search engine (not necessarily a bad thing all things considered).
Everybody talks about how to use Google's commands to search for credit card numbers, free files, etc. Those are stupid tricks worthy only of criminals. We're not criminals, we're simply trying to remove information! Therefore, Curious Internet has no interest in such childish behavior.
One way to remove an offending website is to "proxify" them. This, of course, will remove the entire offending website from Google leaving their webmaster scratching his head. There are work arounds for the webmaster but, like with radar guns and radar detectors, there's always another way to skin a cat (eww).
This is involved. It is also a recognized problem with Google who has not yet figured out a sure fire
way of fixing it. In fact, they've been researching it for over 2 years now and still have no real way around the problem.
You need:
1. Dedicated computer running Windows
2. Proxy server software
Get it from:
3. Web crawl software to copy the offending website's entire contents.
Get it from:
Set up the proxy server software, which is beyond the scope of this article. Once you have set up the software, go to the home page of the offending webpage and start a crawl to copy the entire contents to a directory on your harddrive. Using the web crawler is easy but beyond the scope of this article.
Now, set up your proxy to allow Google crawler to crawl web pages on itself. Make sure your web "URL" on your proxy has the same name as the offending website. For example, if the offending web site is "", yours will be "myproxyservername:\\".
Modify the fake website's webbot file to "not index" and "not follow" all pages. You can Bing for those instructions elsewhere.
Step up a local website on your dedicated PC. Here are the instructions:
- Make sure you have cable modem, DSL or another high-speed connection. A dialup telephone modem is NOT good enough.
- Get a DNS hostname for your home Internet connection. This is not the name of the offending website but a different name such as "byebyebaby".
- Get a static local IP address for your computer within your home network. If you are using a router with DHCP, make sure you dedicate a single address to your dedicated PC.
- Configure your router to correctly forward connections on port 80 (the HTTP port) to your web server. Even if you think you don't have a router, you probably do— many popular cable and DSL modems include wifi or wired Ethernet jacks for multiple computers, which means they contain a built-in router. If your ISP blocks port 80, choose an alternative port number and forward that (or get a better ISP that welcomes websites at home.
- Configure Windows Firewall to allow your web server to communicate on port 80.
- Get Apache as your webserver. This is beyond our scope of explaination but isn't that hard to do. You will want to host a "copy" of the offending website on this machine.
- Test your web server from your own computer.
- Test your web server from a computer that is NOT on your home network to make sure you followed all of the steps correctly.
Congrats, the offending website will go bye-bye in the next few days.
How do you get around someone doing this to you? Well, that too is beyond the scope of this article. We don't want to give away that information as it'll help offending webmasters correct the issue. But, should one figure it out then all you need to do is repeat the steps of recrawling their website and rewriting the webbot file.
Why does this work?
In a nut shell, by setting up a proxy server you are creating a faux ISP. On this faux ISP you are creating a website with the same name as the offending website. This duplicate website naming is what causes the problem with the search engines. Because search engines don't index sites based on their ISP server AND their URL name, they can be taken advantage of. So simple a child could do it.
Now that this secret is out (less than a hundred people knew about it before this writing, we suspect), you'll now see a lot of websites disappear from Google, Bing, and others.
NOTE: As of 1/2/2012 we've tested this hack and it works on Google. We are testing Yahoo. Curious Internet is developing a Weapon of Mass Disruption program which targets search engines (seWMD). If we can't get them to work nicely with people, we can use their search algorithms against them. Yes, this can be done. Most search engines use Mash Up processes and correlation algorithms to sort and search their data. These algorithms are considered trade secrets however their behavior is easily analyzed using a number of experiments that we've had in place for quite some time (see as an example, other experiements are being kept secret).
Like KFC and their secret mix of herbs and spices, once you analyze the information yourself you are free to publish that information. That is our goal.
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