Saturday, January 7, 2012

Free For You !! Special Backlink Domain High Pagerank 2012

Domain High Pagerank 2012

    50 New backlinks of Page Rank 4 and above every month
    Easy step-by-step screen shot Instructions
    All backlinks are dofollow links
    Most of the sites allow anchor text
    All links will be from authority sites
    All Backlinks are one-way links

 demo website : , i have pagerank 5 just for 2 month, and this is my secret. anchor your link into high pagerank domain and wait for google update

Friday, January 6, 2012

10 SEO Rangking 2012 myth

Myth 1: You should submit your URLs to search engines. This may have helped once upon a time, but it's been at least 5 or 6 years since that's been necessary.

Myth 2: You need a Google Sitemap. If your site was built correctly, i.e., it's crawler-friendly, you certainly don't need a Google Sitemap. It won't hurt you to have one, and you may be interested in Google's other Webmaster Central Tools, but having a Google Sitemap isn't going to get you ranked better.

Myth 3: You need to update your site frequently. Frequent updates to your pages may increase the search engine crawl rate, but it won't increase your rankings. If your site doesn't need to change, don't change it just because you think the search engines will like it better. They won't. In fact, some of the highest ranking sites in Google haven't been touched in years.

Myth 4: PPC ads will help/hurt rankings. This one is funny to me because about half the people who think that running Google AdWords will affect their organic rankings believe that they will bring them down; the other half believe they will bring them up. That alone should tell you that neither is true!

Myth 5: Your site will be banned if you ignore Google's guidelines. There's nothing in Google's webmaster guidelines that isn't common sense. You can read them if you like, but it's not mandatory in order to be an SEO. Just don't do anything strictly for search engines that you wouldn't do anyway, and you'll be fine. That said, the Google guidelines are much better than they used to be, and may even provide you with a few good tidbits of advice.

Myth 6: Your site will be banned if you buy links. This one does have some roots in reality, as Google likes to scare people about this. They rightly don't want to count paid links as votes for a page if they can figure out that they are paid, but they often can't. Even if they do figure it out, they simply won't count them. It would be foolish of them to ban entire sites because they buy advertising on other sites.

Myth 7: H1 (or any header tags) must be used for high rankings. There's very little (if any) evidence to suggest that keywords in H tags actually affect rankings, yet this myth continues to proliferate. My own tests don't seem to show them making a difference, although it's difficult to know for sure. Use H tags if it works with your design or content management system, and don't if it doesn't. It's doubtful you'll find it makes a difference one way or the other.

Myth 8: Words in your meta keyword tag have to be used on the page. I used to spread this silly myth myself many years ago. The truth is that the Meta keyword tag was actually designed to be used for keywords that were NOT already on the page, not the opposite! Since this tag is ignored by Google and used only for uncommon words in Yahoo, it makes little difference at this point anyway.

Myth 9: SEO copy must be 250 words in length. This one is interesting to me because I am actually the one who made up the 250 number back in the late '90s. However, I never said that 250 was the exact number of words you should use, nor did I say it was an optimal number. It's simply a good number to be able to write a nice page of marketing copy that can be optimized for 3-5 keyword phrases. Shorter copy ranks just as well, as does longer copy. Use as many or as few words as you need to use to say what you need to say.

Myth 10: You need to optimize for the long tail. No, you don't. By their very nature, long-tail keyword phrases are uncompetitive; meaning that not many pages are using those words, and not that many people are searching for them in the engines. Because of this, ranking for long-tail keywords is easy - simply include them somewhere in a blog post or an article, and you'll rank for them. But that's not optimization. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Up Your Forum Vbulletin Indexed By Google Using Search Engine XML Sitemap


Fully compatible with:

* vBulletin 3.8.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x
* vBulletin Blogs *Optional
* vBulletin CMS *Optional
* vBSEO 3.5.2 + higher *Optional

What does it do?

* Auto-generates an XML sitemap for all of your specified forum URL types (including vBulletin Blog & CMS URLs).
* NEW! Groups forum areas into individual sitemaps grouped by section type for greater flexibility, for example:
o sitemap_forum_X.xml.gz
o sitemap_tags_X.xml.gz
o sitemap_cms_X.xml.gz
* Auto-notifies Search Engines when a new sitemap is generated (optional)
* Automatically sends you a summary of the sitemap generation via email each time it is created (optional)
* Includes only publicly accessible forums and threads and includes the option of not including any specific public forums
* Allows Search Engines to find all of your forum URLs without having to spider the forum to find the links. Great for Deep Page linking!
* Allows Search Engines to find your forum URLs without having to account for query string and/or session ID information.
* Allows Search Engines to give precedence to crawling your higher priority forum pages.
* Allows Search Engines to give precedence to crawling your forum pages that change more frequently.
* Allows you to conserve bandwidth by more efficiently facilitating the crawling processes for GoogleBot, Yahoo Slurp, Ask's Teoma, Bing's msnbot, and other search engine bots.
* Is 100% compatible with the static CRUs (Content Relevant URLs) used by vBSEO-enabled forums.
* Is 100% compatible with the 'Friendly URLs' offered default with vb4.x.

How does it work?

Whenever it is scheduled or invoked via the URL, this plugin will generate an XML formatted that search engines are able to read and parse. If you selected "Yes" to the Auto-notification setting, The 4 major search engines will be notified each time the sitemap is generated.

* Google Sitemap files are gzipped for space savings
* Forum and thread pages are listed with pagination (i.e. all pages for each forums/thread are included in the sitemap)
* Maximum Priority is set for Sticky threads.
* Optimization for sitemap generation on large forums.

You will be required to login by providing your "Sitemap Interface Access Password" from your vBSEO Sitemap settings in:

* vBulletin Admin CP -> vBSEO -> vBSEO Sitemap Settings

Once you successfully login, you will see a number of tabs. Here are the 4 main links:

Reports List
The 'Show Reports List' link will display a report of each time your vBSEO Sitemap generator executed, including the (1) date, (2) run time, (3) total URLs included, and (4) and change in # of URLs included from the last generation.

Each vBSEO Sitemap generation record will include a (1) "View details" and (2) "Remove record" link. The "View Details" link shows more detailed information about the sitemap generated. The "Remove record" will permanently delete the record from your reports.

Downloads Log
The 'Show Sitemap Downloads Log' link will display a report of each time your vBSEO Sitemap was downloaded by either a search engine (Identified by the Bot's name) or by another user agent (i.e. Web browser, etc.).

The report includes the (1) date, (2) name of sitemap file downloaded, (3) Bot, (4) IP address of the downloader, and the (5) User-agent.

Each vBSEO Sitemap download record will include a "Remove record" link which will permanently delete the record from your reports.

Search Engine Bots Activity Log
Use it to track Search engine activity on your sitemaps. This area displays how often, and what volume of pages search engines visit your site on a daily basis.

Run Generator
The 'Run Sitemap Generator' link will automatically regenerate your vBSEO Search Engine XML Site sitemaps.

Additional Links
Additional links to various other related Search Engine/SEO resources are also included.

Click "Install"
Please click "Mark as Installed" to show your support for this script.

Installation, Upgrade, & Configuration
Follow the installation/upgrade instructions provided in the docs/readme.html file.


See View Demo

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Free Tool Choosing The Best Keyphrases And Keywords

seo zoom secret techniques about keyphrases and keywords 2012 . If you know anything about optimizing your website for the search engines, you know how important it is to choose the right keywords. If you fail to pick the words that you want your site to be found under, you risk untargeted traffic -- or at worst, no traffic at all.

So what's the trick to selecting the right keywords? First, don't use single words; they are way too broad and the competition for them is fierce. Instead, you want to use two or three words strung together, also known as "keyphrases." Studies have shown that most people type in 2- or 3-word combinations when conducting searches;
not single words.

Coming up with a list of the most targeted keyphrases for your website is not really that hard. It involves a bit of brainstorming and utilizing the right tools.

One of the best methods is to think like your site's visitors, and write down words and phrases that you think they would use when searching for a site such as yours. Be creative.

Another great resource to use is a good "old fashioned" dictionary and/or a thesaurus to come up with related or alternate words. If you don't have a hard copy, use the online versions located at:

If you find yourself falling short of ideas, look up your competitors online and do a view source on their pages. I'm not telling you to copy what they have; but to study what they are using, as you might see some words or phrases that you hadn't thought of, which you can add to your collection. Remember,stay away from using Trademarks. You don't want any trouble from a high priced Attorney down the road.

If you're trying to target a certain geographic location, make sure to include your city and state in your key-phrase list. This is especially important right now, as many of the search engines have branched out into offering "local search" and you want your site to be found when these types of searches are conducted.

Now that you've got a good solid foundation, I'm going to introduce you to some other online tools that you should find helpful in your quest for the right keywords. Some of these resources are free.

1) WordTracker:

This is the "Big Daddy" of keywords services and used by most Search Engine Optimization companies online today. The results are pulled from several meta search engines. Use the free trial to take her for a "test spin." If you need more power, you'll want to purchase a subscription. You can register for as little as one day for $7.80, one week for $26.00, or even a month, which runs only $52.00. You decide how much time you really need to access this powerful database.

2) Good Keywords:

Free software to download that will help you find the perfect set of keywords for your site. Windows based only.

3) Keyword Suggestion Tool

This online tool will show you the results of your keyword search from both Overture and Wordtracker. Find out how often a phrase is searched for and get suggestions for alternate words as well. Free.

4) Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool

This free online tool is offered up by Overture. Type in your word or phrase and find out how many times that particular word was searched for last month, and related searches that include your term.

5) Google AdWords Keyword Tool

This online tool is courtesy of Google AdWords. Type in your phrase and you'll be shown a list of other possibilities. A slightly modified version of this tool is available at

6) Espotting Keyword Generator

Not to be left out, Espotting also offers their own online research tool which will also show you how many times that phrase has been searched for in the previous month.

If you're interested in creating "niche sites" and want to see the words people are searching for check out these:

Lycos 50 Daily Report:

For a full page of keyword selection tools:

If you don't have time to do your own research for keywords,this is an excellent service that will do the hard work for you:

Remember, when selecting keywords or keyphrases for your website you want to make very sure you're choosing the right ones, or it could spell total disaster when it comes to the search engines. Also, each page of your site should be optimized for two or at the most three key phrases, but that's a topic for another article.

Finding the right keywords isn't brain surgery. It just takes a little time and ingenuity and the ability to put yourself in your customer's shoes.