Friday, March 5, 2010

6 Steps for Getting Control of B2B Social Media

A version of this post can also be found as a featured article on the Demand Gen Report website. 
I had the opportunity last week to speak on social media at a couple of B2B conferences. It gave me a chance to get out of the bubble and speak with folks in the trenches. It turned out to be an eye-opener.

Attendees at the conferences were marketers representing original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) heavy industry, and the financial services industries. As a group, they market complex, long sales cycle products to a well-defined B2B audience. As a result, understanding the value of social media is more difficult.

I found that many of the marketers I spoke with to be somewhat exhausted by social media. From trying to stay current to learning the application in their business, they felt like they just couldn’t stay current.

Based on what I experienced, I’ve put together six tips that might be helpful:
  1. False Prophets – Combine high employment with a fast-moving space like Web 2.0, and suddenly everyone is an expert. Buyers beware. If you need outside expertise, go with a firm that has experience in this space.

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